Q: How has the crisis affected your everyday life? A: As a dancer, I’m a member of a couple of companies that gather to rehearsal several times a week and we perform for audiences. All of this has been canceled. All rehearsals and shows have been canceled. I’ve been creating solo dance videos every Monday. My company, CathyAndCompany, will stay …


Q: How has the crisis affected your everyday life? A: Inability to connect with people physically…..but I social distance walk with several……learning to be more creative with this quiet time and cobbling it down to what’s really important. Q: How has the crisis affected your practice? A: I,Ê personally, am still able to connect with 2-3 other meet-ups a week …


Q: How has the crisis affected your everyday life? A: Been on medical for a month, spouse in hospital for 8 days, recovering at home. Q: How has the crisis affected your practice? A: Ground to a halt. Q: How has the crisis affected you economically? A: Spouse laid off work. Q: What is the role of culture in a …


Q: How has the crisis affected your everyday life? A: More time spent indoors, more flexible work hours, crafty projects, house cleaning Q: How has the crisis affected your practice? A: Has actually been a (ironic) godsend for my practice. Increased time indoors and with myself has created the friction necessary to get my art going again. Q: How has …


Q: How has the crisis affected your everyday life? A: My pre-schooler is home, rather than being in school (which was M-F, 8-3). My partner is still working full-time hours, though thankfully from home. I am primary parenter during weekdays. My 4 month old baby would have been in childwatch at the YMCA, while I was swimming in the pool, …


Q: How has the crisis affected your everyday life? A: I lost most of my work. Though I am blessed in my health and the health of my immediate family, with a wave of global grief and uncertainty about how long this will go on and what life will look like on the other side of it, it is a …


Q: How has the crisis affected your everyday life? A: I’ve been laid off indefinitely from most of my jobs as a freelancer. My last job has a deadline. The first week was really hard. Then I felt as if I caught my stride but even that has slowed. It’s becoming slower and I can see my goals prolonging and …


Q: How has the crisis affected your everyday life? A: Still able to work but haven’t seen a human outside of work in 1.5 months. While I am usually very introverted you don’t realize how much basic human connection you’re missing until you have no choice but to miss it Q: How has the crisis affected your practice? A: Mental …


Q: How has the crisis affected your everyday life? A: It has cut off my future. Normally my job as a tour producer is about planning all of the details of travel, and booking classes, but no one knows what will be possible and when. Normally deposits are coming in for the next tours. Normally I know how much time …


Q: How has the crisis affected your everyday life? A: exercise Q: How has the crisis affected your practice? A: remote teaching Q: How has the crisis affected you economically? A: less monet spent on gas Q: What is the role of culture in a time of crisis? A: assessment and critique —— Name:  Age: 66 Occupation: professor